Notes on the book by Fazlur Rahman “Health and Medicine in the Islamic Tradition”
In his book Fazlur Rahman provides a thorough exploration of the way medicine had grown and had been used in the Islamic world. To do this he begins with the introduction to the history of Islam. Throughout this book we find that the relationship between Islam and medicine has been complex and uneven and it continues to be this way in our times. To understand this relationship the author provides a clear explanation of a Muslim point of view on the topics related to illness and medicine and historical facts that have influenced these views, such as general fatalism of the adepts of Islam and the orthodox anti-intellectualism. At the…
Notes on the article by M. C. Inhorn and G. I. Serour “Islam, medicine, and Arab-Muslim refugee health in America after 9/11”
From this article we learn that muslims do not agree on some common global norms or best practices. Their responses to medical problems and procedures, such as assisted reproductive technologies, are mediated by a wide range of ever-changing local circumstances and social forces. (p.937) There is a great diversity in the world’s Muslim population. In addition to sectarian differences between Sunni and Shia Muslims, the followers of Islam vary greatly in their religious piety. Some Muslims follow particular clerics, whereas others consider their primary relationship to be with God. “Islam is not monolithic and Islamic religious authorities are not in agreement about science, technology, and medicine—eg, for assisted reproductive technologies,…
Islam – a very short overview
The word Islam means “submission to the will of God”. Islam is the second largest religion in the world. The flowers of Islam are called Muslims. It is a monotheistic religion, as the Muslims believe there is only one God. Muslims believe that Islam was revealed over 1400 years ago in Mecca, Arabia. The word for God in Arabic is Allah. Muslims believe that God sent several prophets to people to teach about his law, including Jesus, Moses, Abraham, and Muhammad. Thus all the prophets of major religions of the World are respected by Muslims. Muslims base their laws on their holy book the Qur’an, and the Sunnah. The Qur’an is…